
This service is used to configure and manage the BACnet-tools, used to explore a BACnet network. The tools can be used via the log command.

The BACnet-tools can be installed on the "Services" tab within the DINGO-Manager. The tools can also be installed from a SSH terminal with this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -s"


An alternative to using the the BACnet-tools, is using the BACnet webservices.


The DINGO-Stack must be in safe mode, when using the BACnet-tools. This is because the BACnet Server in the DINGO-Stack can conflict with the BACnet-tools.

To try the BACnet tools; select the BACnet tools service and click the "Log..." button. See screenshot.

Commands to try:

  • /opt/GoIoT/bacnet-tools/bacwi 2>&1

    This will send a Who-Is request onto the network

  • /opt/GoIoT/bacnet-tools/bacwh Temperature 2>&1

    This will ask, Who-Has objects named "Temperature".

  • /opt/GoIoT/bacnet-tools/bacepics -v 806 2>&1

    This will read all objects in the device, with device-identifier 806.

  • /opt/GoIoT/bacnet-tools/bacrp 803 0 2 85 2>&1

    This will read the present-value from analog-input,2 on device: 803.

Read the documentation below for more commands. Use the --help parameter on the commands for options.