The Dingo Help Section

The Dingo Help section is here to help you get started with the DINGO stack. It is still under construction, but the most important information is there on how to get started with the DINGO Stack. With it you can convert Modbus, 1-WIRE, Mbus, wM-Bus and much more into BACnet objects. You also get the ability to automate point discovery from a building with multiple controllers, using our TL-writer, Maker and Uploader to get the BACnet points, tagged and ready to go to the cloud. 

You will get to the DINGO Help page if you click here. The ‘Get Started Steps’ is what you should be looking at for now!

Find more information about the hardware modules here under ‘Solutions Brochure Hardware’, and more info about our stack here and how you can best make use of it here. And please, contact us if you have any questions!


Go-IoT is on a mission to take buildings to the cloud in an easy, secure and scalable way, creating open future-proof ecosystems for smarter buildings and cities. The challenges often arise that system integrators / property owners and even users are locked in to the products and suppliers in the building. It can be difficult to create customised solutions in other companies’ ecosystems, plus it is normally costly and complicated. We solve this with a combination of hardware/software and cloud solutions along with IoT consultancy and hardware development if needed. Modernising buildings in a sustainable way has never been easier than it is now.