IoT APPs make it easy to specialize your IoT solution

IoT APPs run on DINGO BACKBONEs, as medium priority system threads

Select form our APPs, APPs from other vendors or create your own


Below is a list of useful DINGO APPs provided by us. We will constantly add to this list as new APPs are released.
In addition to our APPs, you may want to refer to IoT APPs from others for our DINGO BACKBONE.
For further reading about the DINGO IoT APPs please refer to those links:
IoT Software... section 4.



PINGO Manager is an APP that is used to connect PINGO proprietary registers to BACnet objects.
This APP enables PINGO network configuration via  BACnet clients. It can also be used for PINGO network monitoring and diagnosis.
BACnet objects connected to PINGO registers can be COV enabled. By using that feature a web-based real-time PINGO network-monitor can be created by communicating withe the BACnet/WS included in BACnet/IoT.
More about PINGO here...
More about BACnet/IoT here...

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Trend Log Pusher  (TLP) is an APP used to collect data from BACnet Trend Log Objects (TLO) and upload it to a server, either via FTP protocol or by email.
This APP is most useful for centralized systems that need trend data from control/monitoring networks, for example temperatures, energy, etc. By using this APP, trend data can be uploaded on regular basis to a server.
The uploaded file contains "metadata" for each TLO uploaded. The receiving server application can easily configure a receiving point in it's database automatically, by using this metadata. Control2Net is a good example of such a centralized system that can receive files form this APP.
In the APP setup (see screen-shot) it can be specified which TL/TLM objects  should be polled or black-listed.
Markup language of the file can be configured to be either XML or JSON.
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